EP6: The New ERA of Leadership (for Online Biz Owners, Coaches, Healers, and other Transformational Leaders)

In this episode I share exactly WHY I do what I do, and what it means for you if you’re ready to go full time in your business, scale quickly signing high-caliber clients on repeat.

It’s no secret that I like working with powerful, high-achieving women (because I’m one of them, thank you very much!). And if you’re anything like me, you’re not content with just getting clients here and there just because it’s nice to have a couple extra thousand dollars in the bank. If you’re like me, you care deeply about having a massive impact making the world a better place with your message + sacred offerings.

In this episode, I talk about:

  • What does it mean to be a transformational leader (aka, coach, healer, consultant, artist, etc.), and how to know if you are one.

  • The 3 key elements of SACRED LEADERSHIP that you must keep in mind to become the Sacred CEO of your business (and life).

  • Why your VOICE is a non-negotiable of a business that makes you BANK and changes the world.

  • Andddd … Money, money, money, because we love to talk about it 🙂.

Tune in to listen and don’t forget to leave a review so that more people can find it!

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** Follow Dr. Claudia on Instagram @dr.claudia.consolati 

** Download your FREE guide “7-Figure Visibility Blueprint” to learn the 4 areas I focus on each week to be boldly visible and sign high-level clients on repeat. 


Disclaimer: This podcast is intended to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey to unleashing your voice in business and life. I’m not a psychologist or a medical doctor and I do not offer any professional health or medical advice.

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