EP5: Do you TRUST yourself with MONEY? (Copy)

Have you ever been burned by past investments? So much so that maybe now you keep yourself from investing again for fear of making the “wrong” choice?

The Sacred CEO not only trusts herself unconditionally with money, but she’s also focused on building WEALTH and a new LEGACY for herself, her kids, and the world. She embodies a whole NEW WAY of making + circulating + multiplying wealth, because she’s committed to creating the best life possible for herself and her family, while having ripple effects of impact for generations to come.

We dive into these topics inside today’s episode.

Tune in to learn:

>> How to recognize your lack of trust in yourself when it comes to money & investing.

>> 3 Steps to alchemize the lesson of past investments to move forward with more clarity, ease, conviction, and determination around your biz & financial goals.

>> Creating a new money story and new money beliefs so that you can actually invest in your growth and move forward to become the Sacred CEO of your business & life. 

Ready for more?

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Disclaimer: This podcast is intended to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey to unleashing your voice in business and life. I’m not a psychologist or a medical doctor and I do not offer any professional health or medical advice.

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