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This is not another membership. This is not like any other community.

This is your dream hub where you can finally come home to yourself while being surrounded by other powerful women entrepreneur (and men) who want to be bold with their voice, step into brave visibility, explore the edges of their thought-leadership while sharing their medicine unapologetically with the world.

Imagine having your dream mentor right in your backpocket - someone who’s created multiple 6 figures in her business in record time by being bold with her voice … And get access to daily riffs, behind the scenes, mini trainings, an endless source of inspiration and reminders about who TF you truly are and what you came here to do …

And all of this in a container where you can breathe, explore, take up space, where you don’t feel like you have to rush to the finish line to get results or to soak in all the info in just a few months. The Collective is like a big exhale that gives you the time & space to bring your creation to life. It’s an exclusive members-only community where you get access to special trainings that I don’t share anywhere else.

Hi! I’m your mentor 💛



Your girl decided to scale her business to $500k//year by being bold with her VOICE, and she’s going to bring you right along with her to show you exactly how it’s done.

There’s no need to rush, no need to get it all done right away, b/c the Collective is a year-long exclusive community of kind, heart-centered women determined to rise and bring their thought-leadership, medicine, and business to life so that they too can scale to 6-7 figures.

I remember the days when I was a broke professor … Yes, money was tight. But what was even worse was the feeling of a chokehold around my throat. The feeling that there was SO MUCH stuck inside of me … That I had SO much to say, and SO many things to do and I didn’t know where TF to get started.

At the time I wished for a community where I could show up as all of me without breaking the bank.

If you, too, are bursting at the seams, the Soulful SPOTLIGHT Collective is exactly where you need to be (and I might be crazy for offering it at this price but I truly want as many ppl as possible to have access to these teachings).

 Here’s why I called the Collective this way:

SOULFUL - because your business IS a spiritual path and a healing journey. We'll tap into the deepest, truest part of you - your innate wisdom and VOICE - to source its most beautiful gifts AND turn them into a juicy message and strategy that'll help you uplevel your visibility, income, and impact so that you can finally live your dreams out loud.

SPOTLIGHT - because you'll unlock your innate magnetism to attract soulmate clients and thought-leadership opportunities with ease. It’s time to put your message out there in a big way, start that podcast, write that book proposal, etc.

COLLECTIVE - because we don’t go anywhere without community. Relationships have made my business and I want the same for you. You’ll make friends and be inspired daily by potent sisterhood. Because together we rise.

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Join the Soulful SPOTLIGHT Collective at the exclusive founding-member rate of $555/year

You’ll receive members-only practical trainings, exclusive potent activations, occasional hot-seat coaching, opportunities to promote your offers, exclusive challenges, and so much more!


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This is your chance to be plugged into the most amazing community AND for a seriously ridiculous founding member price of $333 for the entire year (at a rate lower than ONE 30-min private session! 🤯🚀😮)

But the truth is that I feel so spacious, abundant, and juicy that I DO have capacity to serve as many of you as possible at the most affordable price ever.

Because I do business (and life) differently.

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I prioritize flow, creative self-expression, authentic connection with my audience. As a result, I've built a 6+ figure brand in record time that's 100% a reflection of ME and my thought-leadership.

I don't follow other people's templates and formulas. I write all my copy. I focus on community-building. I take care of my nervous system (including Netflix breaks, spa days, mid-day hikes, and just mindless scrolling sometime 🤭).

This is the business that I want for you too.

A business that gives you more freedom, joy, abundance, possibility that you ever thought possible. A business where you can have a real impact on real people, while making the CA$H money and building generational wealth. A business that feels expansive and fun and allows you to EXPAND in all the juicy ways.

The Soulful SPOTLIGHT Collective is a HUB for visionaries to amplify their confidence, and magnetism; access the power of their VOICE; activate their full potential and enter an endless stream of inspiration, guidance, and community.

It includes …

✦ MONTHLY THEMES & CHALLENGES - designed specifically for you to explore the edges of your self-expression so that you can become wildly magnetic in business, wealth, leadership, and love.

✦ WEEKLY & DAILY CONNECTION WITH DR. CLAUDIA - you’ll get coaching, behind-the-scenes breakdowns, strategic advice, mini trainings, and so much more.

DIRECT ACCESS TO CLAUDIA’S RIFFS - you’ll get to hear me riff on the spot about your specific message so that you can define the exact sentences and the exact language that you need to use in your content, posts, website, etc. to attract all the clients and all the ca$h (it’s my zone of genius and my VIP 1:1 clients constantly rave about this!!).

LOTS OF CONTENT & LOTS OF SPACIOUSNESS for you to integrate the deep awakening, transformation, and expansion that happens once you commit to your voice and let it guide everything you do in business, life, wealth, and money.


I’d love to welcome you into the Soulful SPOTLIGHT Collective at the exclusive founding-member rate of $555 for the ENTIRE year!


Dr. Claudia is a business & leadership coach for visionary entrepreneurs who value connection, authentic self-expression and being bold with their voice. She has an Ivy League Phd and was a full-time Professor of Film, Gender, and Sexuality for 10+ years before deciding that her message needed to be heard beyond the 4 walls of the classroom.

After going from charging $25/hr to scaling to multiple 6 figures in record time, she now teaches women all over the world to share their voice unapologetically, step into bold visibility, and scale their business to 6-7 figures.

She teaches about Magnetism, Confidence, Wealth, Power, Voice, Storytelling, Visibility, Content, Embodiment, Sales, and High-Level Business Strategy so that visionary, multi-passionate women entrepreneurs can be boldly seen and attract soulmate premium clients on repeat while building a movement with their message and scaling to 6-7 figures through brave authentic self-expression.