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Hey, boo, I'm dr. claudia.

i work with visionary women entrepreneurs who want to grow purposeful businesses being fully confident, visible, and making tons of ca$h


Wanna know how I went from making $20k/year to having $10k weeks and being booked out over and over again (all in the middle of a pandemic)?

It’s simple: The best and FASTEST way to blow your business up is by UNLEASHING YOUR VOICE and SHARING IT BOLDLY WITH OTHERS.

If you want to be BOLDLY SEEN, attract + convert ideal clients on REPEAT, and blow your business, income, and impact the F up, keep reading, boo. You’re in the right place.

 i might look bold & confident now … but that wasn’t always the case!

See … for the longest time, I thought I didn’t have a voice.

Growing up, I was the sensitive, nerdy, creative kid in a very extroverted family. No one knew what to do with me! I spent hours and days locked up in my room reading and talking to imaginary friends.

I preferred novels to real-life conversations; and made-up friends to flesh-and-bone ones. Mundane topics bored the hell out of me, and I buried myself in books to get the emotional, spiritual, and intellectual stimulation I needed.

I was very quiet and, little by little, I learned that my voice didn’t matter. Can you relate?


Because while it seemed that I had finally found my voice - I was teaching 4x/week and regularly speaking at conferences - the truth was that I STILL didn’t have a voice.

I was trying very, very, very hard to be “proper” and “professional”, and to fulfill my mentors’ expectations while being absolutely terrified of judgment and rejection (and that feels shitty AF, right?!?)


how my business came to be …


I knew I wanted to have a massive impact …

… But since I hadn’t yet unleashed my voice, I trusted what all the “gurus” were telling me that I needed to do to build a wildly successful business. Stuff like the 5-step funnel, the “ideal client avatar”, and all the boring-a$$ and complicated tech.

And all of that is not FUN at all. Right?!?

it wasn’t until i fully unleashed my voice and gave myself permission to say wtf i wanted to say that my sweet business really took off.

I went from …

… Charging $150/hr to selling $7,500 packages on repeat.

… Barely making $20k/year to having $10k months (and weeks!)

… Worrying what some random stranger on the Internet would think of me to fully focusing on serving the shit out of my peeps without caring one bling what my English high school teacher & my mom’s friend’s friend thought of me.

what i know for sure is that what i did is 100% replicable

And WITHOUT the hustle, the sleepless nights, or throwing all your money into paid ads while being on social media 24/7.

Because I want your business to feel GOOD.

I want you to be excited to show up day in and day out to market your services. I want you to sell with confidence and feel like a BOSS receiving more and more - more clients, more money, and more goodness you could ever imagine.

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activate, execute, & receive

My signature FRAMEWORK to help you become wildly magnetic to your ideal clients so that you can attract them with ease while enjoying the F out of your marketing and selling.


Once you ACTIVATE your voice - ie, you give yourself permission to speak your truth and get crystal clear on your magnetic message that converts ..

Once you EXECUTE your plan in a way that feels good and juicy AF to implement without boring A$$ bios or 5-step funnels …

Once you get ready to RECEIVE all the clients, money, and abundance that comes from unleashing your voice and boldly sharing it with others …

Your business takes off FAST.

and I’m here for that and for you!