EP13 - Your business is Love made manifest

Here’s a fully channeled episode about using your business to manifest Love on the earthplane so that you can actually fulfill your purpose + impact the world + build real wealth for yourself, your family, and for generations to come.

As you listen, I want you to fully let the wisdom I share here seep through your body and through every cell of your being so that you can even more fully embody your mission here on Earth to be the channel between the human and the divine.

If it supports you, also consider this questions:

Are you tuned into the frequency of Love? Or are you and your ego still attached to pushing, striving and achieving?

Let me know your answer over on Instagram.

And if you’re ready to align your business to sacred feminine leadership so that you can create exponential results in your business with more ease, send me an email at hello@thewomenspeakupproject and I’ll send you my exclusive 5-part journal to restructure your business from the inside out so that you can scale to 6-7 figures by channeling feminine energy and universal Love.


Disclaimer: This podcast is intended to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey to unleashing your voice in business and life. It doesn’t offer professional advice. I’m not a psychologist or a medical doctor and I do not offer any professional health or medical advice.

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