EP3: Feminine Energy, Authenticity, and the Path to Your VOICE

I’m so excited to welcome Ele’ de Posson to the Sacred CEO podcast!

Ele’ is a spiritual teacher and feminine energy healer and the founder of the Sacred Roots Mystery School for women leaders who want to come back to their authentic selves.

Ele’ is from Belgium and has travelled the world on her own self-discovery and healing path before settling in Quebec (and Bali for a year) with her beautiful family.

She’s written 3 books on femininity, self-healing, and business (definitely go check them out, all the links will be in the description box below), and runs several programs that can all be find on her website along with a ton of free stuff that’ll introduce you to her beautiful work. 

In this episode, Ele’ and I talk about:

>> What does it look like to check all the boxes and still be unhappy (and what to do from there!)

>> How she got started on her journey of discovering and embracing feminine energy (and now running a school where she teaches it to women).

>> Why trust and surrender are the key to a life beyond your wildest dreams.

>> How to transcend the notion of “fixed identity” to explore multiple feminine archetypes and then discover who you truly are.

And so much more!!

Follow Ele’ on Instagram right here.

Check out her website and her books.

And listen to her podcast.

Follow Dr. Claudia on Instagram!

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